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My Story


Wife, mother of 3 adult children, business owner and child of God. In my business life I handle money and finances, but in my personal life I grab every opportunity I can to dip into the world of art, especially music. If I could, I would attend every concert and music festival that the Chicago area offers because my heart is with the arts. Since that isn't possible, I must pick and choose. But what a blessing to be able to pick and choose...


I am honored to have been asked to participate in this latest and greatest creative project of my childhood and lifelong friend, the ultra talented Kai Simone. How exciting to see her play, conceived and performed over 25 years ago here in Chicago, take this next step and become accessible to the world.


I was given a chance to flex my tiny creative muscles and be a part of history being made.

Wendy Daniels

Ma Ujima


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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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